

“ESP completely removes the burden of recruiting support staff. Their reach ensures we attract the right people, saving us so much time in filtering out the wrong people. The candidates they forward to us are always excellent and we generally interview them all. Once in post, ESP is always on hand to offer additional support, long after the appointment.” Prad Samtani, IT Director UCS

If you’re wondering if using a recruitment agency suits your organisation, speed and accuracy of hire are the two key reasons our customers ask us for support. We also share an example of how we offer more than a generalist agency.

Our bespoke independent school recruitment service, ensures you not only find the perfect candidate but you save time and money. Our service covers temporary and permanent staff across all support staff roles and levels. Find out more at ISBA’s annual conference in May

I am keen to speak with either experienced recruitment consultants (any sector) or customer facing Sales professional looking to get into recruitment.

As budgets tighten and employment levels and skills shortages rise, it’s no surprise that recruiting and retaining quality support staff is becoming more and more difficult. In this piece, we explain why it doesn’t have to be this way and the important role recruitment agencies still play in today’s labour market.

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